Directions to the dance studio
The Dance Studio is at 69 Abel Smith Street which is the building next to Toi Poneke Arts Centre. The street entrance to the studio on Abel Smith Street is a building with a big green door and a sign (look up high) right at the top saying Wellington Education Board. There is a sign on the door saying 'The Makers'.
The main entrance door of this building closes at 6.30pm. To access the dance studio after 6.30pm, walk down the driveway next to reception towards the car park at the back. Once in the main car park, turn to your right. There is a wooden door in front of you. This is the back door to the dance studio. Enter here and the dance studio is on your right.
Go to Toi Poneke Arts Centre reception or call Juliet on 021 156 4082 if you have any problems finding the studio or the entry door is not open. Thank you.