What is Contact Dance Worlds Two?

Dance Worlds Two

Dance Worlds Two


Drawing on material gleaned from her time in London in intensive workshops (Space Mix/Interrogating CI with Karen Nelson - USA),  Improvisation/Composition with Katie Duck (Amsterdam), Juliet will teach somatic techniques from Contact Improvisation, Material for the Spine (Steve Paxton), compositional approaches to improvisation (Katie Duck) and tuning scores (Lisa Nelson).
These classes are opportunities for practitioners of Contact Improvisation and contemporary dance to collaborate with each other through the development and workshopping of this material. Open to movers, dancers, musicians, actors of all levels & backgrounds.  

Please arrive at 6.30pm into the studio.
Contact Dance World Two
Thursdays 24th October to 28th November


Links & further info:

Space Mix Interrogating CI workshop with Karen Nelson



Material for the Spine by Steve Paxton 

Tuning scores by Lisa Nelson

'Tuning Scores are an intriguing way to investigate fundamental elements of performance, movement behavior, and communication, altogether. Originated by Lisa Nelson, the explorations illuminate how we compose perception through action; in other words, we learn how what we see, is inextricably linked to how we see, through our multisensorial layers of observation.

In “tuning,” we practice together, using both movement and verbal calls. Through these, we communicate our desires, our imagination, and our memory, in a shared image space. And with this material, we compose live art, together.'





Contact Juliet Shelley:

Email: motionbeing@gmail.com

Cellphone: +64 021 156 4082

Skype: julietsea22